Movie Reviews

Movie Review: Afamefuna: An Ode The Igbo People And Their Industrious Spirit

Afamefuna movie review: The Igbo apprenticeship system is a community and commercial enterprise model…

By Adedibu Liasu

Movie Review: Anikulapo: The Rise of the Spectre: Falters Due To Lack Of Narrative Cohesion

In the end, "Anikulapo: The Rise of the Spectre" falters due to lack of…

By Adedibu Liasu

Movie Review: Merry Men 3: Nemesis: A Test of Futile Endurance

This third installment of the franchise is repetitive, like the last one, but far…

By Adedibu Liasu

“MATI A ZAZZAU,” Review: A Modern Kannywood Cinematic Tour de Force

"Mati A Zazzau" is a family drama about Hausa traditions and religious beliefs.

By Adedibu Liasu
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